Here are the basic rules…
- Each team is given a points score representing their current form.
- At the start of the season each team is given 1000 points.
- When a match is played both teams contribute some of their points towards a kitty.
- The home team supply more points into the kitty than the away team. This is done to reflect the home teams advantage of playing at home.
- The winning team takes the kitty, unless the result is a draw in which case both sides share the points. In the case of a draw the away side gains points and the home side looses points.
Here is how a typical calculation is made....
home team points total = HTPOINTS
away team points total = ATPOINTS
home team contribution to kitty = HTKITTY = 7% of HTPOINTS
away team contribution to kitty = ATKITTY = 5% of ATPOINTS
the kitty therefore = KITTY = HTKITTY + ATKITTY
if the result is a HOME WIN then
home team receives KITTY points added to HTPOINTS
away team receives zero points added to ATPOINTS
if result is an AWAY WIN then
home team receives zero points added to HTPOINTS
away team receives KITTY points added to ATPOINTS
if the result is a DRAW then
home team receives KITTY / 2 points added to HTPOINTS
away team receives KITTY / 2 points added to ATPOINTS
To calculate the possible outcome of a match based on rateform the away rateform is subtracted from the home rateform and the difference is compared against set values for home, away and draw possibilities |